Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1760 - 1770
315790, 233885
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced two-bay four-storey former house over concealed basement, built c. 1765 as one of pair, with channel-rusticated ground floor, and having replacement timber shopfront. Now in use as restaurant. Triple-span hipped slate roof, glazed to central pitch and set behind rebuilt parapet wall with granite coping. Central shared shouldered and rendered chimneystacks with lipped clay pots. Red brick walls, laid in Flemish bond, with cement pointing. Painted channel-rusticated walls to ground floor, below moulded first floor sill course. Square-headed window openings, with gauged brick flat arches to middle floors and flush cement lintels to top floor, with painted granite sills and replacement uPVC windows. Some original interior features survive (Craig, 1999).
This late eighteenth-century house is one of a pair that, despite the loss of original windows and ground floor treatments, retains much of its original form and appearance. It represents the dominant building typology of the streetscape during the eighteenth century. With the façade composition and roofscape intact, the house forms an important component of the historic streetscape and contributes to its relatively intact historic appearance.