Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic, Social
Original Use
In Use As
Shop/retail outlet
1710 - 1750
315627, 234077
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached two-bay four-storey former house, built c.1730, with single-bay return to rear (east) elevation and shopfront to front (west) elevation. Facade subsquently rebuilt. Now in commercial use. Flat roof to main house and flat roof to return, having rendered chimneystack, and red brick parapet with render coping. Red brick, laid in Flemish bond, to wall to front, having moulded masonry cornice over smooth rendered wall with render plinth course to ground floor. Yellow brick walls to south elevation. Square-headed window openings with render sills, continuous masonry sill course having lead flashing to first floor, three-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows to third floor, six-over-six pane timber sliding sash windows to second floor, six-over-nine pane timber sliding sash windows to first floor, and nine-pane canted bay window to ground floor. Painted timber fascia to ground floor. Elliptical-headed door opening having masonry doorcase comprising engaged Ionic columns supporting plain fanlight over timber panelled door with central bead. Granite paving and kerb stones to front site. Situated to east side and south of Eustace Street.
Dublin Civic Trust's 'Survey of Gable-Fronted and Other Early Buildings of Dublin City' (2012) states 'This early eighteenth-century former townhouse has been extensively renovated with the loss of all original fabric to the interior. Probably built as one of a pair with No.26, originally with paired closet returns, the building has had its chimney removed and was refaced during the nineteenth-century. Forming part of a rare stretch of early townhouses lining Eustace Street, the building contributes to what may be considered one of the earliest surviving streetscapes in the city.' A well-executed Ionic doorcase adds decorative interest to the façade, and its elliptical-form is a later departure from many of the street's early round-headed doors, as is the unusual six-over-nine fenestration pattern at first floor level.