Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1730 - 1750


315873, 235043

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay four-storey house, built c.1740, facade rebuilt c.1870. Now in use as shop with recent shopfront to ground floor and residence above. Built as pair with No. 158. Triple-pile hipped slate roof behind rebuilt red brick parapet wall with squared granite coping. Yellow brick chimneystack with clay pots and cast-iron rainwater goods. Flemish bond red brick walls polychrome moulded brick eaves course, having wall-tie to top floor. Gauged brick flat-arched window openings with brick reveals and granite skills. Replacement uPVC windows throughout.


This pleasant former townhouse is an integral component of an interesting historic terrace which was laid out in the early eighteenth century as part of the prolific development of the Gardiner Estate. It maintains an early appearance and is probably one of the oldest surviving buildings in this vicinity. The pleasantly executed facade is of a similar form to its neighbour No. 158, with a mirrored fenestration pattern and decorative brick work. The scale and form of this and the surrounding buildings make a notable and positive contribution to the streetscape.