Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1820 - 1840


315824, 235669

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay three-storey house over exposed basement, built c.1830. M-profile slate roof, hipped to north, hidden behind parapet wall with granite coping. Shared stepped yellow brick chimneystack and clay pots to south. Yellow brick walls laid in Flemish bond on granite plinth course above rendered basement. Gauged brick flat-arched window openings, patent rendered reveals, painted masonry sills and replacement uPVC windows. Three-centred arch door opening formed in brick with projecting moulded masonry surround and painted masonry Ionic doorcase, having original painted flat-panelled timber door with bolection mouldings, flanked by engaged Ionic columns on plinth bases supporting panelled lintel cornice and tripartite glazed fanlight. Door opens onto shared sloping granite-flagged platform bridging basement area, enclosed by original decorative cast-iron railings on granite plinth wall and opening onto pavement via four nosed granite steps. Basement area enclosed by cast-iron railing on granite plinth wall having steel steps to basement area. Square-headed door opening at basement level with timber door.


This house, standing in a relatively intact terrace of modestly-scaled late Georgian townhouses, retains its fine Ionic doorcase and the iron railings to its basement area. These features, and the overall massing, fenestration pattern and the shared granite steps, make this house a significant part of a good terrace of houses that was laid out by Luke Gardiner II as part of the development of Mountjoy Square in 1792. The rhythmic fenestration and façade compositions together constitute a handsome streetscape.