Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use

Shop/retail outlet

In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1820 - 1860


315698, 234317

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Corner-sited end-of-terrace three-bay four-storey building, built c.1840, with three-bay elevation fronting onto Liffey Street Lower with projecting canopy and shopfront spanning both elevations. Roof hidden behind parapet wall with granite coping. Freestanding profiled red brick chimneystack with clay pots with steel support to rooftop billboard. Painted brick walls laid in Flemish bond curved to corners. Rough-cast rendered walls to north rear elevation. Gauged brick flat-arched window openings with painted masonry sills and replacement timber sliding sash windows and ogee horns. Diminutive square-headed window openings to rear elevation at eaves level with four-pane casement windows. Timber-framed shop display windows and glazed doors to both elevations surmounted by timber fascia with modern steel canopy to east elevation supported on steel posts extending across single-storey rear extension with further shop display windows. Three-bay three-storey brick structure abutting single-storey extension with shop display window, built c.1920, opening onto Liffey Street Lower. Canopy to east opens onto informal public space.


This corner-sited building terminates the east end of its terrace and overlooks the Ha’penny Bridge. The graduated fenestration and timber sash windows give the building a Georgian appearance. The modest scale of the building adds variety to the quay front and provides an appropriate backdrop to the Ha’penny Bridge while successfully turning the corner from Ormond Quay Lower onto Liffey Street Lower.