Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social

Original Use

Farmyard complex


1820 - 1840


197868, 403021

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1830. Pitched corrugated-iron roof with three rendered chimneystacks. Rendered walls with metal pegs built into eaves. Square-headed openings with two-over-two pane timber sliding sash windows with horns and painted stone sills, and replacement timber door. Single-storey outbuilding to northeast of house with pitched corrugated-iron roof, whitewashed rubble stone walls and vehicular entrance to middle of front wall; single and two-storey outbuildings to south with pitched slate and corrugated-iron roofs, rubble stone walls with remains of lime render, square-headed openings with timber lintels and timber battened doors, one doorway having stone relieving arch,a nd with external stone steps to east gable of higher building. Buildings form loose courtyard to front of house.


This modest, yet attractive, farmyard is a relatively intact survival. The pegs built into the walls are evidence of a former roped thatched roof, now replaced by corrugated-iron sheeting. The house has retained its early character and timber sash windows and the adjoining stone outbuildings make a fine vernacular farmyard grouping.