Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1770 - 1810
163841, 50514
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Corner-sited attached three-bay two-storey former house, built c.1790, now in use as restaurant. Arcaded single-storey block attached to gable (south-east), and shopfront to front (north-east). Single pitched corrugated asbestos roof, roughcast rendered chimneystack and cast-iron rainwater goods. Roughcast rendered walls with chamfered corner (north-east). Square-headed window openings with stone sills, six-over-six and eight-over-twelve pane timber sliding sash windows to first floor of front elevation. Fixed timber framed four-pane and six-pane windows to ground floor. Timber casement window to first floor of side (north-west) elevation with stone sill. Camber-headed door opening with square-headed timber frame, having glazed timber door and recent artificial slate clad single-pitch canopy. Timber shopfront to front elevation comprising fascia board with architrave and cornice, shared square-headed window and door opening having replacement timber casement display window over rendered stall riser and replacement double-leaf timber-panelled doors. Arcaded single-storey block to side (south-west). Hipped artificial slate roof and uPVC rainwater goods. Exposed rubble stone and rendered walls. Two-bay arcade to front elevation with red brick voussoirs, rubble stone pier and recent fixed multi-pane display windows with timber glazing bars. Square-headed door opening to side with glazed timber door and sidelight. Pedestrian areas to north-west and north-east.
This building displays many signs of reuse and associated alterations, whilst retaining much of its historic character. It is a curious building of great character, with its single pitched roof, narrow form and irregularly placed openings. It is located at the north-eastern limit of an area in the town, which is defined by its historical association with the former market, and has its administrative and commercial centre in the Market House in Market Square. The arcaded elevation of the single-storey block indicates that the building was in all likelihood involved in market activity. The name of the street may also indicate the particular kind of commercial activities that took place in the area, namely the dealing of dairy products.