Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
Worker's house
In Use As
1830 - 1850
298823, 168023
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Semi-detached two-bay one and a half-storey estate worker’s house, built c.1840. The façade is finished in squared granite rubble and field stone snecking, with granite quoins and dressings to the openings. The gable-ended pitched roof is slated and has stone parapets and a shared granite chimneystack with corbelling. The entrance consists of a replacement uPVC partly glazed door with granite jambs and granite hood on brackets. The windows are flat-headed and have replacement uPVC frames. The first floor window to the front is set within a small gabled half dormer. Cast-iron rainwater goods. The building faces onto a street but is separated from it by a small garden enclosed by a timber fence.
This small estate worker’s house is part of a larger grouping whose rustic charm in many respects defines Shillelagh. The property has witnessed the insertion of replacement front door and window frames, but these have not seriously diminished its impact.