Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1850 - 1870


328571, 211106

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terrace of three generally uniform three-bay two-storey houses, built c.1860. Possibly originally four houses but now in use as a house, an office and a shop. The façade is finished in painted roughcast with a plain rendered base course, whilst the hipped roof is slated and has rendered chimneystacks. The house and office have entrances with replacement panelled and glazed timber doors whilst the shop has a rendered shopfront which makes use of the original house entrance and ground floor window. The majority of the flat-headed windows have replacement uPVC frames though two windows to the south retain their original two over two timber sash frames. Cast-iron rainwater goods.


A hipped roof terraced grouping of the latter half of the 19th century which, though somewhat altered with the replacement of window frames and application of a shopfront, retains an overall simplicity which makes a quiet understated contribution to the streetscape.