Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1865 - 1885
326221, 218435
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Terraced three-bay two-storey over basement double-pile house, built c.1875 as part of a row of four similar properties with simplified Gothic styling. To front there is a single-storey over basement hipped roof canted bay. The façade is finished in part painted part unpainted render with a bracketed eaves course and small shallow roundel recesses at either side of the first floor windows and to the bay, whilst the slated pitched roof has shared brick chimneystacks. The entrance consists of a pointed arch opening with moulded archivolt with decorative keystone, within which is a panelled timber door with narrow sidelights and pointed arch fanlight. The entrance is approached by a short flight of stone steps. The windows are a mixture of pointed arch and flat-headed, and have one over one timber sash frames. Cast-iron rainwater goods. The property faces onto a street but is separated from it by a small garden enclosed by a rendered wall.
This relatively modest yet distinctive Victorian house is part of a well preserved terrace whose Gothic styling adds interest to the streetscape.