Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1870 - 1910


305541, 307405

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Attached two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1890. Full-height canted bay to north elevation, two-storey return to south. Pitched slate roof, clay ridge tiles, red brick dog-toothed and corbelled chimneystack; red brick gable-fronted dormer window, shaped gable, terracotta finial, coping, kneelers and circular decorative panel; moulded cast-iron gutter on moulded red brick stepped corbelled eaves course, uPVC downpipe. Red brick walling to north elevation laid in Flemish bond, limestone plinth, moulded brick strings and stepped cornice to canted bay, ashlar limestone string at first floor sill level; smooth render to east gable and south elevation, painted smooth render to return. Square-headed window openings, moulded brick surround, prominent limestone keystones, limestone sills, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows; paired round-headed openings to dormer, moulded brick surround, limestone sills, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows. Round-headed door opening, moulded brick surround, prominent limestone keystone, painted timber door with six decorative raised and fielded panels, plain-glazed fanlight, cast-iron boot scraper, limestone step to entrance, polychromatic tiled path. Set back from street, cast-iron railings on ashlar limestone plinth.


This house is attached to a terrace of similarly designed houses on Seatown Place. The house is typical of buildings of this period with limestone detailing enlivening the predominantly red brick façade. The retention of many original features and materials is worthy of note and adds character to this modest house. The decorative cast-iron railings along with the terracotta detailing to the dormer heighten the structure's architectural charm.