Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1890 - 1910
305579, 307452
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Semi-detached two-bay two-storey with attic house, built c. 1900. Canted full-height flat-roofed bay to south elevation, return to north. Pitched artificial slate roof, crested ridge tiles, red brick corbelled chimneystack with recessed panels, moulded string and cornice; painted timber canted dormer, plain fascia, exposed rafter ends, slate cheeks, terracotta finial; moulded cast-iron gutters on denticulated moulded brick corbelled eaves course, square-profile cast-iron downpipe with trefoil motif lugs. Red brick Flemish bond walling, chamfered plinth with brick vent, moulded brick strings, moulded limestone cornice coping to canted bay, unpainted smooth rendered walling to east elevation. Segmental-headed window openings, gauged brick lintels, stone sills, roll-moulded brick reveals and soffits, uPVC sliding sash windows, painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows to dormer. Round-headed door opening, recessed stepped moulded jambs, stone keystone, painted timber four-panel door, plain-glazed fanlight, tooled granite step and threshold, cast-iron bootscraper. Set back from street, cast-iron railings, granite plinth, cast-iron double gates, garden to north.
This attractive house is a fine example of Irish domestic architecture at the turn of the nineteenth century. Retaining many interesting features such as its canted bay, dormer and highly-ornate cast-iron railings, it also displays finely-crafted embellishments, which compliment its simple design.