Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Previous Name


Original Use


In Use As



1810 - 1830


215639, 257103

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1820 and altered c. 1900, now also in use as a shop having timber shopfront. One of a pair with the building adjacent to the southeast (13316011). Pitched slate roof with rendered chimneystacks and corbelled eaves course. Painted lined-and-ruled rendered walls over limestone plinth course with render block quoins to the corner at the northwest end. Square-headed openings with rendered surrounds to first floor having one-over-one timber sliding sash windows and painted limestone sills. Square-headed fixed-pane display window to the southeast end of main elevation (northeast). Segmental-headed door opening with rendered surround and keystone flanking timber pilasters. Glazed overlight to timber panelled door. Shopfront comprising recessed square-headed door opening flanked to the southeast by a plate glass window. Wrought-iron gate to shop doorway. Timber banded pilasters to either end with scrolled timber consoles having gabled console caps and with timber fascia having moulded cornice over. Fronts onto street to the centre of Ballymahon.


This building forms a pair with the adjacent house and shop to the southeast (13316011). It retains much of its early character and fabric, including timber sash windows and a good quality doorway with early timber panelled door. Its form is typical of many early-to-mid nineteenth century buildings in small Irish towns. It is of similar size and scale to others on the street and makes a positive contribution to the streetscape of Ballymahon. It retains much of its original form and its façade is enlivened by the decorative render surrounds and by the corbelled eaves course. These surrounds are probably a later addition, c. 1880. Of particular interest is the well-crafted timber shopfront, which retains prominent and skillfully carved consoles. Traditional shopfronts of this type were once a ubiquitous feature of Irish towns and villages but are becoming increasingly rare survivals. The quoins articulate and emphasise the form of the building.