Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Artistic
Original Use
In Use As
1890 - 1910
251064, 156429
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Attached four-bay two-storey over basement house, c.1900, on a corner site with pubfront to right ground floor, and three-bay two-storey side (north) elevation. Reroofed. Hipped roof with replacement artificial slate, clay ridge tiles, rendered chimney stacks, sproketed eaves, and cast-iron rainwater goods on rendered eaves. Unpainted rendered, ruled and lined walls with rendered quoins to corners, and panel to side (north) elevation having moulded surround. Square-headed window openings with concrete sills, moulded rendered surrounds, and one-over-one timber sash windows having iron sill guards to ground floor. Rendered pubfront to right ground floor with pilasters, fixed-pane timber window on panelled riser, glazed timber panelled double doors having overlight, fascia having consoles, and moulded cornice. Square-headed door opening to side (north) elevation with cut-limestone step, moulded rendered surround, and timber panelled door having overlight. Interior with tongue-and-groove timber panelled counter having carved course supporting counter top, glazed timber panelled partition screens, timber display shelving, timber posts supporting beams to compartmentalised ceiling, diagonal tongue-and-groove timber panelled ceiling, and timber panelled shutters to window openings to upper floors. Road fronted on a corner site with concrete footpath to front.
Occupying a prominent corner site a well-proportioned modest-scale house makes a positive impression on the streetscape value of Castlecomer New Road and Barrack Street. Finely detailed Classically-derived rendered dressings enhance the architectural design value of the composition while a pubfront of artistic design merit displaying expert craftsmanship further enlivens the external expression of the house in the street scene. Having been well maintained the house presents an early aspect with most of the historic fabric surviving in place both to the exterior and to the interior where an early commercial scheme exhibiting good carpentry highlights the position of the site as a vital element of the architectural heritage of Kilkenny City.