Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Original Use
In Use As
1895 - 1900
251049, 156216
Date Recorded
Date Updated
End-of-terrace three-bay two-storey house, built 1896. Refenestrated, post-2001. One of a group of three. Pitched (shared) slate roof with clay ridge tiles, yellow brick Running bond chimney stacks, and replacement uPVC rainwater goods, post-2001, on rendered eaves retaining cast-iron hopper and downpipe. Unpainted roughcast walls with rendered plinth, and rendered course to first floor. Square-headed window openings with concrete sills (forming part of sill course to first floor), and replacement uPVC casement windows, post-2001. Round-headed door opening with cut-limestone step, and replacement timber panelled door, post-2001, having overlight. Road fronted with concrete footpath to front.
A pleasantly-composed modest-scale house built as one of a group of three identical units (with 12000187 - 8/KK-4766-09-187 - 8) forming an appealing assemblage in the streetscape particularly when viewed from Dublin Street to the south-east. The retention of the original form and massing maintains the integrity of the group although the replacement fittings to the openings have not had a beneficial impact on the historic expression of the house.