Reg No
Categories of Special Interest
Architectural, Historical, Social
Original Use
In Use As
1900 - 1910
296987, 232999
Date Recorded
Date Updated
Pair of semi-detached three-bay single-storey houses with half-dormer attics, c.1905. Individually refenestrated and extended, c.1980, comprising single-bay single-storey flat-roofed returns to rear to north-east. Hipped gabled roofs (shared) with slate (hipped gabled section to centre of half-dormer attic). Red clay ridge tiles. Rendered chimney stacks. Exposed timber eaves. Timber bargeboards. Cast-iron rainwater goods. Flat-roofed to returns. Bitumen felt. Timber eaves. Roughcast walls. Painted. Red brick (painted) dressings including quoins to corners. Square-headed window openings. Stone sills (concrete to returns). Red brick (painted) block-and-start surrounds with hood mouldings over. Replacement timber casement windows, c.1980. Round-headed door opening. Red brick (painted) block-and-start surrounds with hood mouldings over. Replacement glazed timber panelled doors, c.1980. Overlight with moulded pediment in roughcast panel over. Set back from road in own grounds. Rendered boundary wall to front to house to right (south-east) with hedge boundary to front to house to left (north-west).
This pair of houses is of social and historic interest, representing an early housing development in the locality sponsored by the local authority - the houses form part of a larger group with a further pair to south-east (11805046/KD-11-05-46). Of picturesque appearance, the houses are distinguished by the juxtaposition of roughcast with red brick dressings, and the unusual profile to the roof. The houses retain some of their original features and materials, notably the covering to the shared roof, while the replacement fenestration does not detract significantly from the original integrity of the design. Set back slightly from the line of the road, the houses are an attractive feature on the streetscape of Church Road.