Detached three-bay two-storey house, built c. 1860, with central front porch, three-bay two-storey return to north of rear elevation, two-bay two-storey return to south of rear elevation. Hipped slate...

Detached three-bay two-storey over low cellar house, built c. 1840, with single-storey and scar of demolished building to west gable. Pitched asbestos slate roof, with clayware ridge tiles, smooth ren...

Rubble stone sluice set into recess in flood defence embankment, built c. 1850, flanked by rubble stone buttresses. Rubble stone parapet built to courses over ashlar stone lintel with cut stone arch o...

Freestanding Catholic church, dated 1898 and built 1898-1908, having six-bay nave, polygonal apse to east, three-bay recent sacristy to south, and porch to west. Pitched slate roof, with raised parape...

Reg No: 40904803

Detached three-bay two-storey house over raised basement, built c.1910, having canted bay windows flanking entrance, and two-storey extension to rear. Hipped cement-tiled roof on raised eaves course w...

Detached single-storey Gothic Revival Erasmus Smith school, dated 1902, with three-bay main block facing southwest having projecting gabled porch, and single-bay section to northwest end. Now derelict...

Detached three-bay two-storey double-pile house, built c.1890, having canted bay windows to end bays of front elevation, single-bay link between piles, and rear pile projecting slightly to east; each ...

Freestanding cast-iron water hydrant, installed c.1890, having moulded base and fluted shaft with raised lettering 'Glenfield & Kennedy Ltd Kilmarnock', moulded neck with lion's-head spout, fluted dom...

Detached seven-bay four-storey roofless warehouse, built c.1850, but likely to incorporate fabric from building of c.1780. Built into slope of ground and having two storeys visible to rear. Now ruinou...

Detached L-plan three-bay two-storey former land agent's house, built c.1770, now in use for holiday rental. Three-bay two-storey wing to southeast with two-bay single-storey outbuilding addition to s...

Remains of roofless former Church of Ireland church, built c.1620, comprising rubble stone walls on rectangular plan. Enclosed by rubble stone boundary wall and surrounded by grave-markers. Site overl...

Freestanding cruciform-plan Catholic church, built c.1825, having two-bay transepts, and extended c.1917 to provide three-bay nave to west with lean-to porch to west end of north side, and shallow pro...

Reg No: 40904821

Detached multiple-bay two-storey vernacular house, built c.1820. Pitched artificial slate roof with concrete copings to gables and having three rendered chimneystacks with stone flag caps. Rendered wa...

Reg No: 40904920

Detached five-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1870, with thatched roof to middle three bays, and slightly higher slated end bays, and with central projecting porch to front. Pitched roof w...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1903, carrying road over former Letterkenny to Burtonport narrow gauge railway line, having squared and snecked rusticated walls and parapets, latter with rendered copings ...

Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house with attic, built c.1800, north bay possibly being addition. Pitched thatched roof with cast-iron pegs for roped thatching technique, and low painted s...

Detached four-bay vernacular house, built c.1880, being single-storey to three northern bays and two-storey to south. Pitched slate roof with smooth-rendered chimneystacks. White-painted cement-render...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1860, crossing Abhainn Bheara [River Barra] comprising squared and snecked walls, segmental arch with rock-faced voussoirs and having string course at springing level, and ...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1860, crossing An Abhainn Bhuí [Owenwee River], comprising wide segmental arch with elongated rock-faced stone voussoirs framed by slightly projecting rubble stone parapet...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1870, crossing An Abhainn Bheag [Owenbeg River], comprising segmental arch with elongated rock-faced stone voussoirs and walls, with battered random rubble abutments framin...