Reg No: 40904415

Freestanding cut-limestone Celtic High Cross-style monument, dated 1911. Inscribed (west): "TO THE GLORY OF GOD/AND IN HONOUR OF St. COLUMBA/THIS CROSS WAS ERECTED BY/CORNELIA ADAIR SEPTEMBER 1911" an...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1850, carrying road over Leanne River, possibly incorporating fabric from bridge of c.1800. Comprises rubble stone walls and parapets with remains of render, and with flat ...

Vehicular gateway to now-demolished Lough Veagh House, erected c.1825, comprising double-leaf cast-iron gate supported on openwork cast-iron piers with square-plan plinths, flanked by short stretches ...

Double-arch bridge, built c.1780, carrying road over Leanne River, possibly containing fabric of earlier bridge. Random rubble walling and parapets, latter with field-stone coping stones, field-stone ...

Single-arch bridge, built c.1903, carrying former former Letterkenny to Burtonport railway line over road. Comprises rusticated coursed parapets with rendered copings, and splayed rusticated retaining...

Reg No: 40904423

Double-arch bridge, built c.1790, carrying road over Lennan River, comprising two river arches, one wide segmental and other smaller slightly pointed segmental, and having two small flood arches to no...

Freestanding gable-fronted Presbyterian church, dated 1846, having three-bay long elevations. Pitched artificial slate roof on projecting eaves course with cast-iron downpipes and replacement gutters....

Detached five-bay two-storey complex of former outbuildings (front elevation to southeast) associated with former Church of Ireland glebe house (c.1900, now demolished), built 1828, having two-storey ...

Complex of detached single and two-storey outbuildings, built c.1800, to south of Claragh House, with pitched natural slate roofs, rubble stone walls, segmental-headed carriage-arches with brick vouss...

Detached nine-bay two-storey former planter's house with attic storey, built c.1620, with two-storey extension of c.1890 to rear. Built on on sloping site. Pitched natural slate roof with low chimneys...

Detached five-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1860, having lower lean-to porch addition to rear, and lower single-bay single-storey outbuilding attached to northwest gable. Pitched scollop...

Detached three-bay two-storey house with basement, built c.1780, having triple-gabled front (south) elevation, two-bay west elevation, single-bay deep two-storey gabled return of c.1870 to west end of...

Reg No: 40904532

Detached three-bay two-storey house over partly exposed basement, built c.1900, presenting three storeys to rear, with projecting porch to front (southeast) and single-storey addition to rear. Hipped ...

Reg No: 40904533

Farm complex, built c.1860, comprising multiple-bay two-storey block with external stone steps to front giving access to first floor, later slightly higher multiple-bay two-storey block attached to so...

Detached three-bay single-storey national school, dated 1897. Now disused. Pitched slate roof on exposed rafter ends, with timber painted bargeboards, cast-iron rainwater goods and yellow brick chimne...

Double-arch bridge, built c.1860, carrying road over Lennan River, comprising segmental arches with dressed stone voussoirs triangular rendered cut-water, coursed rubble piers and abutments, coursed r...

Detached three-bay single-storey labourer's cottage with attic, built c.1900, entrance being within integral lean-to bay to one gable. Disused at time of survey. Single-storey outbuilding attached to ...

Detached five-bay two-storey house, built c.1900, rear elevation having four-bay first floor and two-bay ground floor. Hipped slate roof having blue clay ridge tiles, overhanging eaves with exposed ra...

Detached complex of two-storey outbuildings, built c. 1800 and altered c. 1880, comprising five-bay two-storey outbuilding to the west with attached three-bay two-storey outbuilding to the east. Origi...

Detached multiple-phase former corn mill, built c.1800-50, with north-south axis, built on sloping ground, and comprising five-bay three-storey over basement middle block with three-bay four-storey bl...