Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest


Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1930 - 1950


260397, 112668

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced five-bay two-storey garage, c.1940, retaining some original fenestration with recessed ground floor having square-headed carriageway to left, and single-bay single-storey advanced entrance bay to right. Renovated and part refenestrated, c.1990, with entrance bay remodelled. Now in commercial use to ground floor. Pitched corrugated-asbestos roof behind parapet with concrete ridge tiles and iron rainwater goods. Painted red brick English Garden Wall bond wall to ground floor with exposed mass concrete to entrance bay. Painted roughcast wall to first floor with concrete coping to parapet. Square-headed window openings with concrete sills. Original steel casement windows to first floor. Replacement fixed-pane uPVC display windows, c.1990, to ground floor. Square-headed door opening with timber double doors and glass block sidelight. Square-headed carriageway with timber boarded double doors. Road fronted with concrete flagged footpath to front.


This building is an attractive composition of regular proportions, which has been designed to continue the established roofline of the quays (nominally three-storey). The early Modernist tone of the design provides visual relief to the streetscape of primarily eighteenth- and nineteenth-century stock. The building retains most of its original form and character, together with important original salient features and fittings, although some of the polychromatic qualities that an exposed roughcast and red brick surface would originally have provided has been lost.