Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Social, Technical

Previous Name


Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1945 - 1950


186574, 179251

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Corner-sited multiple-bay two and three-storey former cinema, opened 1946. Closed, 1976, and now in use as retail outlet. Comprising rendered stepped gable with projector box to front elevation, glazed central bay with canopy over entrance and with foyers to ground and first floors, flanked by glazed curved bay to southeast and with blank squared-bay to northwest. Flat roofs to entrance block and pitched corrugated iron to auditorium. Rendered walls, with render buttresses to northwest elevation. Square-headed window openings with fixed timber and metal frames and concrete sills. Pairs of glazed doors with concrete step.


This former cinema designed by William (Bill) O'Dwyer is a typical example of mid-twentieth-century architecture in Ireland. Its simple yet decorative style, and elements such as the canopy, curved bay and stepped gable, combine with its corner-sited position on the town square to make it an interesting contribution to the streetscape. It is also a reminder of the importance of cinema to the town and district, from the mid-twentieth century to the present day.