Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic, Social

Original Use


In Use As

Shop/retail outlet


1800 - 1820


314813, 233896

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced two-bay four-storey former house, built c.1810, with shopfront inserted to ground floor. Now in use as public house. Cruciform slate roof, hipped to front, with render parapet with granite coping and render cornice to base of parapet. Rendered walls having channelled quoins. Square-headed window openings with render architrave surrounds, sills and one-over-one pane timber sash windows. Shopfront comprising panelled pilasters and consoles having decorative foliate panels, cornice and central carved timber cartouche with street number. Square-headed window and door openings having glazed doors and window.


The simple form of this building is enhanced by subtle render detailing to the upper floors, adding textural interest to the streetscape while the shopfront has some well-crafted elements. The cruciform profile of the roof, characteristic of ‘Dutch Billy’ architecture, is perhaps indicative of an earlier date. Thom's Directory of 1862 lists this as the property of Denis Doyle, tea, wine and spirit merchant, indicating that there is a long historical commercial association with this site. Thomas Street is medieval in origin and has had a long history as a commercial street, due to its location on the main highway leading to the city from the west.