Survey Data

Reg No




Categories of Special Interest

Architectural, Artistic

Original Use


In Use As



1790 - 1810


314851, 234228

Date Recorded


Date Updated



Terraced five-storey two-bay former house, built c.1800, as one of a pair. Later shopfront to front (south) elevation. Now in use as offices. Hipped slate roof, set perpendicular to street, with terracotta ridge tiles and red brick chimneystacks and clay chimneypots, red brick parapet wall having granite coping. Painted metal hanging sign to first floor. Shared cast-iron rainwater goods to façade. Red brick laid in Flemish bond to walls. Square-headed window openings with masonry sills, painted reveals and one-over-one pane timber sash windows. Timber shopfront comprising panelled pilasters supporting timber fascia and cornice having saw-tooth motif and mutules. Square-headed window openings with bipartite timber framed windows on timber panelled risers. Square-headed door opening having timber panelled door opening onto nosed granite step. Cast-iron grilles to pavement, window opening visible to basement area.


This elegant house maintains the parapet height and fenestration alignment of its neighbouring buildings to the east, while maintaining a roofline with the neighbouring four-storey buildings, which contributes positively to the character of the streetscape. Its timber shopfront provides contextual and visual interest to the façade. Construction on Arran Quay began in the late seventeenth century and was continued throughout the eighteenth century. During the latter, a range of buildings stood directly at the quayside at the east end, resulting in the recessed building line which occurs at this point. Much of the early granite paving and coal holes can be seen in front of this section of the street, providing addition historical and contextual interest.